If you have visited here before, you can probably see that I have changed the name of the blog again. I started blogging at 4URuthie to tell the story of our journey to adopt our 1st daughter. I changed it to Mountains for Maggie when we were praying for God to move mountains on behalf of our 2nd daughter. Well now it is no longer just Ruthie’s or Maggie’s stories. It is now our family's story, and the stories of those we share life with, as we Conquer Mountains together. Both ConqueringMountains.net and 4URuthie.blogspot will lead here.

About Me

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I am a pastor's wife, mother of 4 kids (2 adopted and 3 with special needs), physical therapist, and photography junky. This is where it all comes together for me. Feel free to join along as I process life out loud.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Testament Tuesday

This week we read Paul's letters to the Corinthians.  I was telling Trent last night how I wasn't comfortable with Paul's tone in those letters and I am pretty sure I would have been one of the people in the early church criticizing him.  That led me to ponder the actions of the apostles and the early church.  They weren't conventional or politically correct like we like our churches today.  I have a feeling if Paul landed here in 2010 he wouldn't be wearing a suit and tie and standing behind a podium.  Do we look more like the opponents of the early church than we should as we look with a critical eye at the methods of churches around us?  Just a thought.

On another note...
Jack is having surgery tomorrow to repair his spinal cord.  We will be going in VERY early and I think surgery is somewhere mid morning.  Please pray for him and for the doctors.  We believe strongly that God has guided our steps to this point and plans to do something incredible through this.  Thanks again for walking this road with us.


Melissa said...

Jack should be getting something in the mail from us. We are continually praying for you all.

groovy mama said...

Thinking of you and your son at this time! Prayers for him and the DRS!

Renee said...

We are praying for Jack this morning & your whole family...." The Lord will perfect that which concerns me;...." psalm 138:8

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