She said that she wished I would get in the pool more. What she meant was that she wanted me to stop sitting on the side of the pool and watching her swim and get in and play with her directly instead. She may have been talking about the pool, but I knew that her example carried over to several other similar examples.
I am really good at being around Ruthie but I am too often doing my own thing in her presence. Since our little talk, I have been saying no to a lot of the distractions and "getting into the pool" more.
I heard someone say once that hurry and love are incompatible. I believe it. I don't know about you, but I know that I have to have less other stuff to do if I am going truly experience life with my kids. And thus I am slowing down to get into the pool.
I felt convicted about this a while back, especially when taking my kids to the park. I used that as my phone time since they would be otherwise occupied by the playground. However, I noticed when I interacted with them, we had more chances for imaginative play, and they were so excited to show me what they could do... "watch me, watch me, mommy!" Whatever is on my phone (usually facebook) can WAIT... don't miss the kids in the here and now!
Truer words have never been spoken. I am also trying to "get in the pool" more...and my life is ever so much more blessed.
Darling photos of your precious girl.
Same here. I have so many things pulling at me all the time. And although I let my kids swim twice a day sometimes, I just don't have the time to get in the pool with them every time. But I am trying to get in the pool more often...and they absolutely love it!
Amen!! You're right- she spoke volumes in that little sentence. I find myself staring at my darn iPhone more than I need to... and in the process, ignoring my kiddos. I need to pull myself away from technology, and let my precious kiddos know that they are so much more important than any facebook comment. It's a work in progress! :) Thank you for posting this & reminding me to be a better mom!
(visiting from Sunday Snapshot)
Oh, I needed to hear this today! Thank you.
Nancy- of the crazy 9
True, true, true!! I'm getting in the pool, too. And, good for you to ask the question. What a lovely way to open yourself up. Thank you for sharing.
Love this reminder...we too have been realizing just how much we "watch play" instead of "play with". Our sweet girl just had open-heart surgery, and requires us to "play WITH" 24-7! I am realizing just how precious these moments are...thank you for the great reminder!!!
Oh isn't this so true, thank you for the reminder. And great shots!
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