I just got off of Skype with Ginny and Jamie. They had a good night's sleep and are looking forward to their day with the kids. Should have a longer post later after a report.
Trent (for Ginny)
If you have visited here before, you can probably see that I have changed the name of the blog again. I started blogging at 4URuthie to tell the story of our journey to adopt our 1st daughter. I changed it to Mountains for Maggie when we were praying for God to move mountains on behalf of our 2nd daughter. Well now it is no longer just Ruthie’s or Maggie’s stories. It is now our family's story, and the stories of those we share life with, as we Conquer Mountains together. Both ConqueringMountains.net and 4URuthie.blogspot will lead here.
About Me

- Ginny
- I am a pastor's wife, mother of 4 kids (2 adopted and 3 with special needs), physical therapist, and photography junky. This is where it all comes together for me. Feel free to join along as I process life out loud.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
In China!
For all who wonder, Ginny and Jamie made it to Xi'an and are in the hotel, unpacking, and readying for the kick-off of camp tomorrow. There's a brief orientation in the morning and they get kids sometime after that. Please continue to pray for their safety and their ministry. I'll post more as updates are available.
Trent (for Ginny)
Trent (for Ginny)
Friday, July 29, 2011
Leaving For China!
Tomorrow (very early) I will be leaving for China to work with an organization called Bring Me Hope. They offer a summer camp for orphans and use volunteers to partner with the children and bless them during that week. My good friend, Jamie, will be traveling with me and we are very excited to see what God has planned for this week.
Here are some ways you can pray if you think of us while we are gone:
1. Pray that we make all of our flights and transitions without difficulty. We have a very short connection in New Jersey.
2. Pray for safety and good health for our team in China and our families back home.
3. Pray that we would lay down our expectations and preferences and exchange them for God's will for this week.
4. Pray that God will speak clearly to us during the week regarding His will for our future involvement in China and for our involvement with the kids of BMH.
I am sure there will more requests as we go but right now I just can't seem to think clearly. Signing off now to go kiss on my babies before I have to go.
Here are some ways you can pray if you think of us while we are gone:
1. Pray that we make all of our flights and transitions without difficulty. We have a very short connection in New Jersey.
2. Pray for safety and good health for our team in China and our families back home.
3. Pray that we would lay down our expectations and preferences and exchange them for God's will for this week.
4. Pray that God will speak clearly to us during the week regarding His will for our future involvement in China and for our involvement with the kids of BMH.
I am sure there will more requests as we go but right now I just can't seem to think clearly. Signing off now to go kiss on my babies before I have to go.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Window Crayons
When I first heard about window crayons, I don't know who was more excited- Mommy Me or Photographer Me.
And Sam drew a multi-layered scene complete with a light saber fight.
Photographer Me loves the challenge of capturing this right. First I had to decide which window to use. I didn't want so much light in that it washed out the crayon or created a silhouette but I also didn't want to have to set my ISO too high or use my flash.
We all had a great time- all 3 kids and both of my personalities. :)
Mommy Me loves how these kinds of activities reveal the individual personalities of my children.
Ruthie wrote her name and drew circles and squiggles.
Jack drew weather patterns.
And Sam drew a multi-layered scene complete with a light saber fight.
Photographer Me loves the challenge of capturing this right. First I had to decide which window to use. I didn't want so much light in that it washed out the crayon or created a silhouette but I also didn't want to have to set my ISO too high or use my flash.
Then I got to play with composition and which side of the window to shoot from. I also enjoyed to trying to figure out where was best to focus- my subject or the art.
We all had a great time- all 3 kids and both of my personalities. :)
Friday, July 22, 2011
"This" and "That"
Life is full of choices. Should I do "that" or stay with "this"? For me, the deciding factor (although I am not proud of it) has often been comfort.
About a month ago, I was given the opportunity to participate in "that". I was talking with a friend about a mission opportunity in China that interested me. It involved both photography and orphans so of course I was fired up. When it didn't work out, she mentioned a camp for orphans called Bring Me Hope that she thought I might be interested in participating in. It intrigued me, but I had some concerns about "that".
What would it cost me? How long would it last? Would I go alone? Oh and by the way God, I am not a large group kinda girl. I am not sure "that" is for me.
God answered those with (1) I've already provided for it through that photography ministry you have and (2) it lasts long enough (3) and, no, I have already laid it on the heart of a dear friend to go with you and I have taken care of that last detail too.
I sat down with Trent at the end of those few days of praying and knew that I could either continue talking myself out of this or I could just say yes because burning bush, warm fuzzy, bring me to tears callings don't always happen. The only calling that I needed was the one He gave me 2000 years ago.
Mark 16:15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."
Deuteronomy 10:18 He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing.
So I am figuring that I can do stuff like "that" or I can continue to walk in "this". The only thing is "this" is temporary and "that" is eternal so I think I will choose "that" and I pray I have the strength to continue to do so.
About a month ago, I was given the opportunity to participate in "that". I was talking with a friend about a mission opportunity in China that interested me. It involved both photography and orphans so of course I was fired up. When it didn't work out, she mentioned a camp for orphans called Bring Me Hope that she thought I might be interested in participating in. It intrigued me, but I had some concerns about "that".
What would it cost me? How long would it last? Would I go alone? Oh and by the way God, I am not a large group kinda girl. I am not sure "that" is for me.
God answered those with (1) I've already provided for it through that photography ministry you have and (2) it lasts long enough (3) and, no, I have already laid it on the heart of a dear friend to go with you and I have taken care of that last detail too.
I sat down with Trent at the end of those few days of praying and knew that I could either continue talking myself out of this or I could just say yes because burning bush, warm fuzzy, bring me to tears callings don't always happen. The only calling that I needed was the one He gave me 2000 years ago.
Mark 16:15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."
Deuteronomy 10:18 He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing.
So I am figuring that I can do stuff like "that" or I can continue to walk in "this". The only thing is "this" is temporary and "that" is eternal so I think I will choose "that" and I pray I have the strength to continue to do so.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Black and White Wednesday
Last weekend we went to the lake with my brother and his family. We do this about once a year and it is always a great time. Here are a few pictures from our time there and yes dad I will get you one of all the grandkids together. :)
Nothing quite like fishing in your favorite Star Wars pjs.
Nothing quite like fishing in your favorite Star Wars pjs.
Monday, July 18, 2011
More Pics from Palm Beach
I have several more pictures I want to show you that I took with my underwater bag. Did I mention that it is great for sand too? All that fine sand can wreak havoc on your lens but not with my bag. :)
I won't shoot portrait sessions with it or anything but I will definitely use it for family beach time.
I won't shoot portrait sessions with it or anything but I will definitely use it for family beach time.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Underwater Capture
A few posts back I told you that I got a new toy for my camera. They make these super cool underwater bags for digital SLRs that only cost about $100. Most underwater point and shoot cameras are more expensive and the picture quality is poor. I took a ton of pictures while we were at Palm Beach and I learned a little about this new toy along the way.
1. Completely dry it takes a pretty good picture. This is significant because I was concerned about quality when you put an SLR lens behind a plastic lens. Also most underwater cameras get bad reviews for out of water pictures.
2. Underwater it is just as good as an underwater camera
4. I love how close up I was able to get Sam here but you can't miss the unavoidable water dots on the lens.
5. Again water on the lens affects the quality of these images, but they would have been difficult to get any other way.
6. Because you can shoot with an SLR, you can still control your manual settings to get a fast shutter speed and freeze water like this.
7. Occasionally the camera lens falls below the bag lens and you get a false vignette like I have here in the picture with Sam. This took some practice for me to figure out how to stabilize the camera lens in the bag.
I have more pics to share over the next few days, but these are just some thoughts on the bag. I think for the money, it is fun to have to catch pictures you might otherwise be unable to get.
1. Completely dry it takes a pretty good picture. This is significant because I was concerned about quality when you put an SLR lens behind a plastic lens. Also most underwater cameras get bad reviews for out of water pictures.
2. Underwater it is just as good as an underwater camera
3. When it got interesting was with pictures taken out of water with me standing in the water after the bag was wet. I had some trouble focusing beyond the water here to get Jack in focus, but I still like what I got.
4. I love how close up I was able to get Sam here but you can't miss the unavoidable water dots on the lens.
5. Again water on the lens affects the quality of these images, but they would have been difficult to get any other way.
6. Because you can shoot with an SLR, you can still control your manual settings to get a fast shutter speed and freeze water like this.
7. Occasionally the camera lens falls below the bag lens and you get a false vignette like I have here in the picture with Sam. This took some practice for me to figure out how to stabilize the camera lens in the bag.
I have more pics to share over the next few days, but these are just some thoughts on the bag. I think for the money, it is fun to have to catch pictures you might otherwise be unable to get.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Happy Gotcha Day
2 Years and 6 months ago, I saw her picture for the first time. I was scared to death, but still knew instantly that she was meant to be mine.
She was not quite as happy to see me...
After 6 of the longest months of my life, I finally saw her face to face.
She was not quite as happy to see me...
But that soon changed and I had one very happy little girl on my hands.
I just can't believe it has been 2 years since Wen Mei Peng became Ruthie Mei Karen Henderson.
Happy Gotcha Day sweet girl. I love you and feel so very blessed to be your mommy!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
A Spontaneous Outing

So we loaded up my kids and drove to The Heights (only got lost once) to get this bag. On the way home we stopped at the greatest little restaurant and topped off the evening with cupcakes there. I had to post my iphone pics of that here in celebration of our spontaneous outing and my new underwater bag.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Sunday Snapshot
Ruthie's grandmother likes to sew for her and occasionally she will show up with a fun new creation.
She brought this new shirt when they visited last week. Sounds like a good reason for a photo op to me. :)
This is the face of a child who has her picture taken way too often. Here she is telling me, "I will cooperate but really mom do we have to do this again?"
A few more shots from our 5 minute adventure.
She is getting bored with me again.
And then her brother who came along just to see the train station sat beside her and made it fun again.
Thanks Grandi. We love Ruthie's new shirt.

She brought this new shirt when they visited last week. Sounds like a good reason for a photo op to me. :)
This is the face of a child who has her picture taken way too often. Here she is telling me, "I will cooperate but really mom do we have to do this again?"
And this was after I said the word "booger". Works every time. :)
A few more shots from our 5 minute adventure.
She is getting bored with me again.
And then her brother who came along just to see the train station sat beside her and made it fun again.

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