It is hard being a middle child (so I hear) and it has been especially hard for our middle one the last 2 weeks because both his older and younger siblings have had surgery. Sweet Sam has not complained a bit about being shipped off from place to place while we took care of the others.
So when he wanted to be in a karate tournament today - the day after his sister got home from the hospital, an hour after church let out, and on Halloween, I thought "sure, why not"!
He had a little difficulty getting used to the mouth piece and I wondered if it would look like a piece of chewed gum when he was done.
He got it figured out just in time to suit up for his match and WIN! Yeah Sam!
We went to the park afterwards for me to check out a new photo shoot location
And once again Sam was a trooper
Then we headed home just in time to get ready for the Fall Festival. I love that middle child.
But then with a smile like that, how could I not be crazy about him!