We had a sweet last day on the unit. Maggie said goodbye to several of the team members who took such great care of her. We were sad to leave them and I think they were sad to see her go. She loved her time in therapy and the nurses became like 2nd mommas to her.
On the last day, I dressed her in an outfit that was given to her while she was still in ICU. It says, "I Am God's Masterpiece." I saved it for her going home outfit as a testimony of all that God had done in her life in such a short time.
The ride home was uneventful and similar to car rides of the past. She was out in a matter of minutes.

The night we got home, the excitement continued when Ruthie lost her first tooth. Life never slows down around here.
So I titled this "Unpacking" because that is what we have been doing the last 3 days on several levels. Yes we have been unpacking physically but we have been unpacking emotionally and spiritually as well. I was thinking in my only quiet space (the bathtub) yesterday about how we have brought home both baggage and gifts in each of those areas. I had just finished putting away our physical baggage and gifts when it hit me that there was a lot still out there to deal with that might not be put away as easily.
This experience has changed all of us. Emotionally I discovered that I am stronger than I thought I was but also more complex than I anticipated. Here when things are settling down, I strangely feel most unsettled. I know it doesn't make sense, but it comes in waves and I hear that it is normal and to be expected. We are all finding our place again and the family is being patient with my sudden urges to clean out various closets or take on big projects. The kids seem much more settled now that we are all together and Trent I think is adjusting better than any of us.
Spiritually this experience has strangely been a gift. Trent and I have both grown in our understanding of who God is and how He moves. This has prompted great conversations with the big 3 and I think in the end we will all say that we are spiritually in a better place for having to deal with God honestly through this. I have been doing some writing about what God has taught me and that has been incredibly therapeutic. I don't know if it will become anything more than a gift to Maggie some day but we will see.
This picture was taken tonight. We are taking turns sleeping in Maggie's room so we can administer her 2:00 am IV and I shot this just before she crashed. Sweet girl. :)
Thank you as always for all of your prayers and encouragement.