1. The Trinity- God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit= 1 in 3 and 3 in 1. Huh?
2. Marriage- The 2 shall become 1. Really?
3. Salvation- in an instant we go from being a child of wrath to a child of God. Wow!
...and then there is #4. I am amazed by #4 each time I look into the eyes of Ruthie and feel this overwhelming love for her.
#4 is the mysterious love that God gives a parent for an adopted child. I remember the exact moment when Ruthie went from being a child that I loved and was willing to take to being forever mine. It wasn't at Gotcha, believe it or not. It was actually months before that. I was sitting in my bed working on Trent's computer and opened my email to find a picture of her holding the pillow we sent with our faces on it. In that moment, God flipped a switch in my heart and I was unable to keep from crying because I knew she was mine.
It is a complete mystery to me how a child who is 100% Chinese can also be 100% mine- not because I have a piece of paper that says it is so but because God by his perfect plan placed her in my heart and I will never be the same. AMAZING!
Totally unrelated- Ruthie loves her new kitchen from Uncle Mark and Aunt Kelley. My decorating conscious sister in law also did a great job making sure it matched her room. Good work Kelley. :)