If you have visited here before, you can probably see that I have changed the name of the blog again. I started blogging at 4URuthie to tell the story of our journey to adopt our 1st daughter. I changed it to Mountains for Maggie when we were praying for God to move mountains on behalf of our 2nd daughter. Well now it is no longer just Ruthie’s or Maggie’s stories. It is now our family's story, and the stories of those we share life with, as we Conquer Mountains together. Both ConqueringMountains.net and 4URuthie.blogspot will lead here.
About Me

- Ginny
- I am a pastor's wife, mother of 4 kids (2 adopted and 3 with special needs), physical therapist, and photography junky. This is where it all comes together for me. Feel free to join along as I process life out loud.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Spotlight: Lydia Hope
Friday, May 29, 2009
Speak God Speak
I have been reading Beth Moore's book Believing God where she has been using the OT story of the Isrealites entering the Promised Land to talk about having faith to see God's promises in your life come to pass. Today she referenced Num 15:37-41 which says,
37The LORD also spoke to Moses, saying,
38"Speak to the sons of Israel, and tell them that they shall make for themselves tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and that they shall put on the tassel of each corner a cord of blue.
39"It shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the LORD, so as to do them and not follow after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you played the harlot,
40 so that you may remember to do all My commandments and be holy to your God.
41"I am the LORD your God who brought you out from the land of Egypt to be your God; I am the LORD your God."
Throughout this process I have had "the perfect plan" several times regarding when and how to go get Ruthie. My friend Kristine has reminded me on several occassions that we have to keep the Master before the mission. This is so much easier said than done. Right after reading this part of the book, I placed a blue beaded bracelet on my wrist to remind me to take active steps that would lead me towards Him and not just my will.
Right after that, I checked my email and my friend Amy had sent me this link
where someone has written an incredible illustration reminding us that God sees the bigger picture and His ways are perfect.
So today I am walking in the truth that God still speaks and and we can trust that His ways are perfect even when we can't see the plan yet.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
He Knows and Still Speaks
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
What I am STILL Looking Forward to
Monday, May 25, 2009
What I am Looking Forward to
The anticipation is driving me crazy so I decided to make a list of what I am looking forward to.
What I am looking forward to when Ruthie arrives:
1. Kissing those sweet little hands that I have spent so much time studying
2. Watching her sleep in our hotel room in China
3. Drinking coffee at Starbucks in China with Shannon while our daughters play
4. Seeing her smile for the first time. She isn't smiling in any of our pictures of her
5. Stepping off the plane in Houston and finally being home with her. Anyone who wants to meet us at the airport is invited.
6. Looking into my backseat and seeing her sitting between Jack and Sam
7. Hearing all my children giggle together for the first time
8. Showing Ruthie her room
Oh I could go on and on and on...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I Love the Adoption Community
Friday, May 22, 2009
Possible Movement Today
There is also a possible explanation for why our RA has taken so long. The entire group of healthy referrals that arrived yesterday was from the same province as Ruthie so it is reasonable to assume that if the CCAA asked them several months ago to put together a batch of healthy referrals that they were working on those instead of processing Ruthie. If Ruthie's RA arrives soon, we could travel with those families but their is obviously zero certainty there as this process has been less than predictable.
Thank you for your prayers. Now we are off to Kindergarten graduation. Where did this year go???
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I Don't Have What it Takes
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Keeping it Fun
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Sincere Joy of Suffering
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Thanks for Praying
Friday, May 15, 2009
Praying Saturday May 16th
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
What a night- AND WE HAVE AN UPDATE!
Here is what it said:
Hi Ginny,
I just got the updates today!!! Below is the translation:
> 1. Is she standing alone or walking yet?
Yes, she is talking alone.
> 2. Is her speech development consistent with other 2 year olds in the orphanage?
Yes, her speech developments is consistent with other 2 year olds in our orphanage.
> 3. Does she show signs of mental retardation?
> 4. Are her elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, or feet involved in her condition?
All growing (developing) well.
> 5. Does she drink from a cup or bottle?
> 6. Did she receive the pillow we sent her with our pictures on it?
> 7. Are there any other new diagnosis or complications?
> 8. What does she eat and drink? formula?
She takes a bottle of formula each morning and evening. She can eat rice, steamed egg, noodles, fruit, crackers.
> 9. Is she on any medications that I should bring with me?
She gets cold sometimes. Maybe some cold medicine, just in case.
> 10. Does she interact with the other children like a 2 year old should?
> 11. Does she have a radius - this is the forearm bone on the side of her thumb and would indicate a possible cause of her wrist drop
She doesn’t have a radius.
12. Her updated measurements:
Height: 78.5cm; Weight: 9.7kg; Head: 45.5cm; Chest: 47cm; Teeth: 16; Foot: 12cm.
13. three pictures are attached.
Knowing that she does not have a radius narrows down a lot of the syndromes. I will be doing a lot of research over the next few days, but I think this is actually good news from the perspective of other complications. Will be a little tougher to treat however.
I so wish I could post the pictures, but I have to wait until we get our RA. Just one more reason to pray that it arrives VERY SOON. In the pictures she is holding the pillow we sent her. It melted my heart.
Thanks for your prayers.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Same Flu Second Overreaction
There is a group from our agency that received their TA's last week and were told yesterday that they would most likely travel on May 21st. Well today, as I understand it, China has stopped issuing appointments to families to adopt due to fear from the 1 swine flu case in China. This means that the travel group with my agency will not travel until at least May 30th and it could be later.
Some agencies are reporting that China is also not making matches right now. I believe they are referring to the healthy child matches that occur about once a month and were due this week. I am not sure how that affects Ruthie's RA. My hope is that her RA is already in the mail and so it doesn't matter. If it is not in the mail, I don't know if they will keep processing it or wait. I also don't know if we get our RA if they will start processing our TA or wait on that.
I have been praying today that God by His power would command the adoption process in China and bring these babies home. When you are pregnant and overdue it is hard because you are ready to meet your child, but you aren't missing anything during the wait. In the case of adoption, every day is a day that you miss in the life of this child and that just gets harder and harder to bear.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Jack is learning lots of new phrases in Kindergarten (some we could do without) and this morning I heard him in the bathroom saying, "That was totaly Awesome". Only boys!
I can't wait to hear the funny things that Ruthie will come up with. I decided to ask my boys a few mother's day questions. Here are their answers:
1. What do you like best about having a mother?
Jack- "That she is fun"
Sam- "About having my dog?"
What do you think Ruthie will say- "Because she is soooo nice"
2. What is your favorite thing to do with mommy?
Jack- "play at the play ground"
Sam- "play on the roof " (we don't do that by the way)
What do you think Ruthie will say- "Learning letters and sounds"
3. If you could change anything about Mommy what would it be?
Jack- "I don't know"
Sam- "I don't know either. That is a hard question"
4. What do you think mommy's favorite thing is?
Jack- "Going to church" (my politically correct child)
Sam- "Going to Target" (my truthful child)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
My Week
Lady Bugs Update
We are waiting on the 10 questions back from Lady Bugs N Love and feel pretty optimistic about what we will hear. The response that Ruthie is walking did a lot for alleviating my fears. So did all of your stories that you shared regarding your own fears and experiences. Satan is a deceiver and the source of my fears. Thank you for reminding me to hold on to what I know is true.
TA's for Friends
Several families from our agency got their travel approvals this week. I certainly rejoice with them as they prepare to leave in the next 2-3 weeks. We certainly could have been in that group as some of the family's timelines were similar to ours from the beginning, but it was not God's will so we will continue to wait and pray. Congrats to all of those families packing. I can't wait to follow your journey.
Family Camp
Several people have been praying for us regarding our desire to travel before family camp. This does not appear to be in God's master plan for our family. We will most likely move our week to the first week of June as a spot came open there last week. This would make sure that we atleast still get to take the boys in case our travel to China falls on our regular week. If you are wondering what the big deal is about family camp, I encourage you to visit http://www.pinecove.com/.
We go to family camp there every summer and it is by far the most incredible thing we do all year.
Can't Be Much Longer
I can't imagine that our RA will take much longer as we are starting to reach the end of the projected time frame for waiting.
Thanks to those of you following our journey. I can't wait to go to China and share the miracle of getting this little girl with you.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Please Pray (with update) but keep praying
There are numerous serious syndromes where children present with these 2 diagnosis plus several others that are much more serious including mental retardation. For the last several days, I have prayed, sought information from those with experience adopting special needs, and looked into our options.
Trent and I have no leading to terminate this process based on the information that we have. In Ruthie's pictures, she does not look mentally handicap. I am encouraged that she appears to be interacting with her surroundings and maybe even talking to someone in one of them. I have contacted an organization called Lady Bugs N Love that will contact the orphanage for us and ask 10 questions for a fee. There is no guarantee of a response and they have asked that we give them atleast a week. I sent them my questions today and I feel like these will give me much more insight into how Ruthie is developing and interacting with her environment.
Please pray that we recieve information back from the organization and that the information provided to them by Ruthie's orphanage is accurate and truthful. I love this child already like she is my own, but I want to be able to move forward in confidence that what we are commiting our family to is within our capabilities and is fair to Jack and Sam.
Thanks in advance for your prayers.
Hi Ginny,
I have forwarded the questions to the orphanage. The lady who is in charge of adoption told me she just saw her yesterday. She is walking!
No guarantee if they will answer all the questions though, at least you know that she is walking now. So that is encouraging! J
I will get back to you as soon as I hear anything.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Making Memories While We Wait
Sam said his favorite part of the whole trip was the popsicle. Can you see why we don't get those at home?
Friday, May 1, 2009
What I am learning
All the time on the road has given me time to ponder what God is teaching me right now through all of this. I have been thinking a lot lately about prayer and its role in my life.
Basically I think my prayers fall into 3 different categories:
I have prayers for relationship- This is most of my worship or prayers like, Lord reveal yourself to me. Change my heart. Teach me more about you.
The second type is prayers for direction. These are prayers seeking God's direction or will in my life.
Finaly, there are prayers for outcome. These are for things such as healing, provision, or just what I think I want to happen.
I really feel like I am ok with the first 2 in that I feel good about my heart's inclination to know and worship Him and I feel like I can sense His direction and leadings. The third one, however, I am struggling with these days.
The Bible says in James 4:2 That we have not because we ask not
You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God.
It is important though to remember that it does not say, "You have because you ask".
So where does this all come together?
Well, I know that I serve a sovereign God with a perfect plan who wants me to pray and seek Him. I have struggled this week after praying for my RA for weeks and receiving nothing to ask God again for my RA. He knows already when it is going to come as part of His plan for Ruthie, so why should I drive myself crazy asking for specific dates?
A friend of mine was in a serious car accident this week and is in a coma. So as I have been strugglig with the purpose of specific prayer, I have also been praying for his healing. Does God not already know the number of his days? So then why does He want me to pray for Scooter? It feels incredibly selfish to think that is might be for my spiritual growth when my friend is lying in a coma. So not knowing, I pray anyway.
So I will continue to ponder this knowing that God is patient and He has had to exercise that patience on me before. The sad part is that I feel like I am losing that part of me that used to pray with confidence. Right now I pray in obedience and confusion with the knowledge that the first 2 forms of prayer, the relationship and the direction, are probably more important than my desire for outcome anyway.
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