On another totally unrelated note, every year our family goes to Pine Cove Family Camp for a week in the summer. This is by far the coolest thing that we do as a family. It is a time of relaxation, spiritual growth, and family bonding that we don't get anywhere else. Normally new families have to get their name on the waiting list for family camp 10 months before they want they want to go, but because of the economy there are actually still openings for this summer. Pine Cove released this promotional video today. Check it out if you are interested.
Jack reminds me of my younger brother Jeremy. He always wanted his teeth pulled. As soon as they would wiggle the slightest bit, he wanted dad to pull it out. Whereas, I, on the other hand, would pitch a screaming fit (well, for my first couple of teeth anyway) while the thing was practically falling out on its own! Kids are so funny!! :)
I would LOVE to go to Pine Cove Family Camp. It looks absolutely amazing! That's quite the hall though... I wonder if we have anything like that up here in Minnesota??!! I bet we do, as we certainly have the beautiful woods and so many wonderful lakes around here. What an enriching experience for the whole family!!!
~ Tanya
My kids have always pulled their own teeth. It all started when I tried pulling Ryah's 1st tooth and it didn't go so well! -Shannon
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