Maggie's physical improvements have resembled her MRI changes. Every day she is more verbal and more active. This includes her decreased need for sleep. These 2 pictures were taken on different evenings, in different rooms, and late at night when Maggie was having a private party long after bedtime.
On another note, our favorite fellows wrapped up their service with the hospital today. We will miss Sylar, my Mandarin speaking friend, and the doctor with great shoes (I leave their names off so it doesn't show up on some google search). Anyway, they all came by to say goodbye and even stayed a minute to chat. I love that Maggie has made an impression on them and that they will most likely remember her long into their practice. One of them is coming back Saturday on a social call to play his guitar for her. How sweet is that?
This is the point in her recovery when the other doctors go ahead and admit how much better she is doing than they ever expected. One of those conversations was today with the doctor who treated her in the Cardiovascular ICU. He was the one who took her personally down for one of her CTs several weeks ago. We saw him in the MRI suite and he admitted that he never thought she would look as good as she currently does and that her early films don't support her presentation. Every time someone says something like that, I have the opportunity to brag on all of those who are praying. God has worked a miracle in this child. Thank you for your prayers.
So now we start the next chapter of this journey. Please continue to pray for us. I would really like a few days at home all together as a family before the kids start back to school.