If you have visited here before, you can probably see that I have changed the name of the blog again. I started blogging at 4URuthie to tell the story of our journey to adopt our 1st daughter. I changed it to Mountains for Maggie when we were praying for God to move mountains on behalf of our 2nd daughter. Well now it is no longer just Ruthie’s or Maggie’s stories. It is now our family's story, and the stories of those we share life with, as we Conquer Mountains together. Both ConqueringMountains.net and 4URuthie.blogspot will lead here.

About Me

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I am a pastor's wife, mother of 4 kids (2 adopted and 3 with special needs), physical therapist, and photography junky. This is where it all comes together for me. Feel free to join along as I process life out loud.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Beauty and Filth

I have a moment so I would like to share with you what God is teaching me today through my experiences here.

I woke up this morning sore, swollen, and pretty tired still. I didn't have much energy for the day. At breakfast when we were getting ready to head out, a lady came up to me and randomly offered me some of her Vics Vapor Rub. I was so excited and knew that this was a gift from God. You see, the clinic and tent city smell so bad because of all the urine and trash. That has really been some of the hardest part for me. With Vics up my nose, I could do anything. It was like being given a $100 bill.

So I grabbed my backpacks with my new found encouragement and headed for the compound gate and the long walk to the clinic when someone said "Do you guys want a ride". Oh my goodness I had just been given a 2nd blessing that was like a 2nd $100 bill. :)

We got to the clinic and a lady I had treated yesterday in a wheelchair was standing with a cane. Yesterday she could barely move in her chair. Hello 3rd $100 bill. I was so encouraged. I knew in that moment that I really was making a difference.

Then my team leader was the agent of the best lesson of all to start the day. She walked up and handed me a beautiful sea shell. I know we are on the ocean so sea shells should be everywhere, but really when you look around, all you see is filth. She had found a beautiful thing in the midst of the filth.

I didn't know how needed that lesson was going to be! We had a crazy day and ended up having to kick out 2 pastors who were sneaking in their family and friends ahead of the refugees when they were supposed to be helping us with ministry and crowd control. It was pretty sad, but I had my sea shell to remind me that in the midst of the filth, I need to remember to look for the beautful. I saw the beautiful in the face of a new young friend I have with a spinal cord injury who smiled at me for the first time today (I have had to work really hard for that). I also had a few girls that I was able to make crosses with out of Bendaroos yesterday come up to me today and say my name and that Jesus loves them- which I had taught them with the crosses yesterday.

I have seen a lot of filth in Haiti, but I am reminded in every turn (if I look for it) that there is beauty here too and that God does have a plan for these people and this place.

You can pray for healthy team dynamics as every team is a unique combination of personalities and we certainly have some. :) You can also continue to pray for health for the team. We are being exposed to so much it is unreal!

I wish I could post pictures but the upload is so SLOW that I couldn't even load 1 the other day. I will have tons to post when I get back.

OH AND A FUNNY STORY ON MYSELF: Today I worked a lot of triage which allowed me to spend one on one time with a lot of people as I took their vitals and directed them. One thing I had to do was write down their name and personal info. Some would hand me ID cards and I wrote down the name at the top of the card. Let me say, that it was CRAZY chaos! At lunch, a nurse brought me an intake form and said "did you know that this person's name means 'earthquake'?". I agreed that was odd and moved on. The first person after lunch handed me their card and there was the same name! Then it hit me. These are refugee "earthquake" cards and the name is actually further down. I showed the nurse and we had to laugh. There are several Haitians walking around tonight with prescriptions for the name "earthquake" in french since I couldn't read that from their real name. Oh well! They got their meds. :)


Anonymous said...

Reading this, I can't help but think that you, my sweet friend, are most definitely a brilliant thing of beauty amidst the filth. With much love and prayer for God's continual renewal of your spirit and strength, bec

groovy mama said...

Again you are SUCH an incrediable person, you bring Joy to my world by your wonderful posts for the work you do for those less than us, i can only image the HOPE you are bringing those there!

Stay strong, remember you can sleep when you get home! If i lived closer i would watch your kids so you could REST.


Kim S said...

Love this, Ginny. May you get many more of those $100 bills while you are there. How precious!

Shannon said...

What a beautiful picture it is to think of you there, being the hands of Christ...being the beauty in such a broken place. I know also that in the broken places is usually where we see the face of Christ most....keep seeking it!
I am praying for you everyday!

Natalie said...

Hi Ginny,

I read the updates and pray for you daily! It never ceases to amaze me the way God reveals Himself and reminds us that He is present...Even via Vicks Vapor Rub! He truly IS in the smallest detail! Thanks for that reminder and for continuing to share your journey with us.

Lifting you up....He will continue to show up FOR and THROUGH you!

Love & Hugs,
Natalie :)

Anonymous said...

Hey lady , know that the church is praying for you .You are such a brave christian to share your talents that God gave you with those in need !Sunday I saw Trent hug Ruthie real hard and she let out this loud laughter, everyone around just smiled at them ! Ya'll have such a loving family ! Stay safe and God bless !!! David.

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